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                        The Twelfth Hour 

          Once the decision is made to train for the fight and become a fully empowered Warrior in the Army of God, many will ask, “How do I avail myself of this information now that I accept the reality of Spiritual Warfare and the need for the Armor of God?”  This final chapter will answer this question and encourage any reader wishing to become truly empowered by God’s Word and promises, and become so blessed.

Now that you have a better understanding of the Armor of the Christian Warrior and God’s promises concerning the Armor itself, I ask you now to look within your heart and answer the following questions.

Have you felt a void in your life?  Have you been searching for something to give meaning to your life?  Could it be something is missing from your life, a commitment never made, or fulfilled?  Are you willing to take on the task of inner revelation and development?

Do you recognize the need to awaken the Warrior within and join the ranks of the fully empowered Christian Warriors?

Are you ready to look within to that hurt area of your character which you want to finally take claim of, find the brokenness within that needs the healing touch of another Warrior, and take control of your life by turning it over to God?

Be aware that the battle is at hand and the rally cry has gone out.  What is your response?  Will you answer the call to arms for your own sake . . . for all our sakes, FOR GOD’S SAKE?!

The challenge is now before you.  Are you willing to take a stand under the authority of the King?  Are you willing to really put your faith in God and learn what He would have you do?  These two questions will find you in one of two most likely spiritual dispositions: 1) You have never accepted Christ as your personal redeemer and feel the call of the Holy Spirit in your life to bring you to God .  2)  You are a believer in Christ, but have never experienced the empowerment of the Holy Spirit or trained to face the reality of Spiritual Warfare. . ..

The following section addresses the needs of the reader be they a faithful yet unempowered Christian, or those yet searching for answers in their life.  Some readers believe this to be the most powerful content of the book.

In the fall of 1962, a great resurgence of interest in the power of the Holy Spirit was begun when Pope John XXIII’s called for a “New Pentecost.”  By the mid 70s, this movement was acknowledged widely within the Catholic Church, and came to be known as the Charismatic or Pentecostal movement.  Whole books have been written about the basis for the “Baptism of the Spirit,” and I encourage those questioning this as a legitimate teaching of the Bible to search out one of these books and prayerfully study it, or God’s Word, concerning this empowerment.

If you are a Christian whose life has been, well, shall we say “mundane,” without the presence of God being felt, it may be that you have not understood what living a life of faith is all about.  Perhaps you have not recognized the reality of the Powers and Principalities at work around you because you have been asleep in your faith or exercise of God’s authority.  What I have found to be the case is that many Christians deny any empowerment beyond the act of confession and redemption of their sins, as above.  The fact is that before Jesus physically ascended into heaven, He had promised to send the Holy Spirit of God to his disciples to be with them and empower them until His return.  This new baptism has been referred to as: “The infilling of the Spirit,” the “Baptism of Fire,” or the “Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”  Whatever you may call it, this is the means by which believers become empowered by the full blessing of the Holy Spirit. . ..  For those never encountering this information before, a full view of the scriptures pertinent to the Power of the Spirit followed by particular prayers of encouragement and empowerment are contained in the text.

Once we become empowered by the Holy Spirit, to the outward world, we become larger than life.  This becomes apparent for two primary reasons.  First, because we start expressing values not commonly found adhered to in society today; consequently, this alone sets us apart.  Secondly, our experiences show themselves to be miraculous at times.  This should not come as any surprise, as we are protected by the Armor of God.  Remember what the scripture says about God’s Warriors, but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.  Dan. 11:32.  We are transformed when we accept a commission under Jesus. The old ways are put away and the new ways become like a breath of fresh air.  Excitement follows an active Warrior. Read any fairy tale and you will see that it is typically the hero who is the only one doing the exciting stuff. . ..

God Bless you and welcome to the fray.  No better comrades can a man have in life than the ones who would join him in a fight!

We need not search far to find the Powers and Principalities against which we struggle.  In many various ways, they have taken control of powerful positions in our society and the world. Some of the greatest oppression in our country today comes from the system of bureaucrats who relish exercising their power or “authority” while forgetting whom they are appointed by and work for.  Many of our representatives and public officials are more interested in pleasing special interest groups and lining their own pockets, rather than in enacting and enforcing truly liberating legislation or operating under the Godly principles this country was founded upon.  It is easy to find out what is being done on the local and regional levels within our political system.  This is a good arena to take a stand and make your voice heard.

As an example of how a Christian Warrior may apply the Word in daily affairs, I would like to share with you a story shared with me by a brother Warrior in Christ, Barry Smyth.  Barry has had to confront “Evil in High Places” many times.  This is one of many stories which I can relate which shows how “the system” often retaliates against the private citizen, and how one Christian Warrior has found a way to combat it.  

 With the permission of Barry Smythe, a detailed letter is enclosed documenting how he derived protection with the use of scriptures while at the hand of unjust jailers. . ..

I can relate with Barry and I tell you this.  I have seen the injustice of our system firsthand.  I am a law abiding and God-fearing man.  I know how the forces of evil will marshal against a child of God.  It was not until I started to take a stand for my God given rights, rights that are supposed to be recognized and respected in America, that I became intimately aware of how far this country has departed from adhering to the principles of God.  I have been arrested more than once for professing my Christian beliefs.  In none of these incidents were other people or property involved.  On more than one occasion, the “authorities” went beyond their legal authority to harass and make an example of me.  I sympathize with Barry and all others “made object lessons of” by our “legal” and corrupt system.

Several experiences of my own are related in which spiritual forces were evidently at work.  An autobiographical insert makes up the Epilogue, in which I present the many incidents in my life directly aligned by the hand of God. . ..

Remember that you are not a puppet in the hands of God.  He will not force you to act against your will, nor will he take your free will from you.  His desire is that you be a willing suppliant.  Put God’s will first, and be prepared for the amazing to occur.  Once you begin to experience the Holy Spirit taking part in your life in this way, you will better understand this little poem:


I asked for Strength . . .

And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom . . .

And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for Prosperity . . .

And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage . . .

And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for Love . . .

And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors . . .

And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted

I received everything I needed

(author unknown)  

When we listen to the voice of God within us, and are obedient, many times surprising results will immediately come to our attention. . ..  what follows is a striking story of how God may use us in the most unexpected ways. . ..

Do all the good you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as you ever can.

You see, we can never be sure whose life we may affect with our concern and care.  Prayerfully petitioning God for guidance and discerning His will is a sure fire way to live the ordinary life in an unordinary way.  I could have filled this book with stories relevant to every piece of the Armor of God, as well as lessons I have learned about the character development of the Warrior within.  What is more profound and certainly more personal is for you to open your life to the instruction of God, and have your own experiences in developing your Warrior character, and polishing and proofing your own Armor of God.  I hope you make the decision to join the ranks of the Lord, for surely we are in the 12th Hour.

To this end, I hope God had a message for you in this book, and I pray for your revelation, growth, empowerment, and protection in the Masters hand.

I entreat and invite any reading this material online to contact me with questions you may have, and better yet. . . order the entire text!  The electronic version is a downloadable PDF file with all pictures in vivid color, and costs about $6.  What a deal!

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